Kako dobiti Terra Blade na Terrariji (s slikami)


Kako dobiti Terra Blade na Terrariji (s slikami)
Kako dobiti Terra Blade na Terrariji (s slikami)

Terra Blade, močno, hitro orožje za bližnji boj, ki z lahkoto premaga večino sovražnikov, vendar ga je težko izdelati. Upoštevajte ta priročnik za izdelavo rezila Terra.


1. del od 4: Night's Edge

Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 1. korak
Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 1. korak

Korak 1. Preden sploh pomislite na Terra Blade, morate kupiti Night's Edge

To je najmočnejši meč pred trdo obliko.

Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 2. korak
Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 2. korak

Korak 2. Obiščite Crimson Biome

Pridobite čim več rude Krimtan. Alternativa temu je premagati oko Cthulhuja v škrlatnem biomu. Za izdelavo Blood Butcherja, prve sestavine Night's Edge -a, potrebujete 15 Crimtane palic, kar pomeni, da potrebujete 45 Crimtane rude. Če imate pokvarjen biom, ga lahko nadomestite z Light's Bane.

Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 3. korak
Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 3. korak

Korak 3. Obiščite Dungeon

Najprej boste morali premagati Skeletron. Nato odprite Zlate skrinje, dokler ne najdete Muramase.

Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 4. korak
Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 4. korak

4. korak. Obiščite Podzemlje.

Rudnik Hellstone rude (potrebujete 60, plus 20 obsidiana.) Za izdelavo palic Hellstone potrebujete Hellforge, ki ga lahko (obiščite to povezavo, če imate težave: Find Ruined House in Terraria) poiščite v Ruined House. Izdelajte 20 palic iz peklenskega kamna in naredite ognjeni veliki meč.

Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria 5. korak
Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria 5. korak

Korak 5. Obiščite korupcijo

Za izdelavo svojih 15 demonskih palic morate izkopati 45 rud demonov. Ko dobite 15 palic, izdelajte Light's Bane.

Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria Korak 6
Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria Korak 6

Korak 6. Poiščite podzemno džunglo

Ko to storite, ubijte Hornete, dokler ne dobite 15 Stingerjev, in poiščite 12 Spong Jungle. Združite jih, da naredite rezilo trave.

Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria 7. korak
Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria 7. korak

Korak 7. Združite vse zgoraj omenjene meče pri grimiznem/pokvarjenem oltarju

Dobili boste Night's Edge, prvo sestavino rezila Terra.

2. del 4: Excalibur

Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria 8. korak
Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria 8. korak

Korak 1. Premagajte Mesno steno in vstopite v Hardmode

Nekaj vodnikov o tem, kako premagati zid mesa, najdete tukaj in tukaj.

Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 9. korak
Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 9. korak

Korak 2. Mine Orithcalum/Mythril in izdelajte Orithcalum/Mythril Anvil

Postavite ga v osnovo.

Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria Step 10
Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria Step 10

Korak 3. Premagajte enega od mehanskih šefov, da dobite Posvetljene palice

Obstajajo trije mehanski šefi: Destroyer, The Twins in Skeleton Prime. Tukaj je opisan vodnik za premagovanje Skeletron Prime

3. del 4: rob True Night's Excalibur

Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria 11. korak
Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria 11. korak

Korak 1. Premagajte dvojčka in počakajte na Sončev mrk

Imajo 1/20 možnosti, da se pojavijo vsak dan.

Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 12. korak
Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 12. korak

Korak 2. Na dan Sončevega mrka bodite oblečeni v želvov oklep, popijte bojni napoj, stojite blizu vodne sveče ali pa vse to hkrati

Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 13. korak
Pridobite rezilo Terra v Terraria 13. korak

Korak 3. Ubijte Mothron

Imajo priložnost, da spustijo zlomljene meče heroja. Za izdelavo rezila Terra Blade potrebujete tri zlomljene junaške meče (dva, če igrate na osebnem računalniku od zadnje posodobitve).

Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria Korak 14
Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria Korak 14

Korak 4. Kombinirajte (pri Mythril/Orithcalum Anvil) zlomljen meč junaka in nočni rob, da dobite rob True Night's Edge

Nato združite Excalibur in Broken Hero Sword, da naredite True Excalibur.

4. del 4: Terra Blade

Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria Step 15
Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria Step 15

Korak 1. Po potrebi počakajte na več Sončevih mrkov

Nadaljujte z zakolom močvirnih stvari in frankenštajnov.

Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria Korak 16
Pridobite Terra Blade v Terraria Korak 16

Korak 2. Združite True Excalibur, True Night's Edge in Broken Hero Sword na Mythril/Orithcalum Anvil (Broken Hero Sword je potreben samo za konzole in mobilne naprave)

Čestitamo, zdaj imate enega najmočnejših mečev v igri!

Vprašanja in odgovori skupnosti

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    community answer
    community answer

    community answer solar eclipses have a 5% chance of occurring on any given day, after at least 1 mechanical boss is defeated. you just need to wait. thanks! yes no not helpful 7 helpful 45

  • question what is the best way to beat skeletron?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer use a gun; aim for the head and dodge the hands. to beat skeletron prime, get mega shark and try to dodge. if you can get bullets that can home, then go crazy. thanks! yes no not helpful 10 helpful 44

  • question how do i get the muramasa to make the nights edge?

    vanclifford cabais
    vanclifford cabais

    vanclifford cabais community answer find a dungeon (far left or right of your world), beat skeletron at night, then collect golden keys to unlock golden chests. unlock the chests until you find the muramasa. thanks! yes no not helpful 15 helpful 63

  • question how do i get bat wings?

    vanclifford cabais
    vanclifford cabais

    vanclifford cabais community answer to get bat wings, wait for a solar eclipse and fight vampires until you get a broken bat wing. combine the broken bat wing and 20 souls of flight at an orichalcum anvil or its equivalent, and there you have it. thanks! yes no not helpful 9 helpful 37

  • question how can i get ice feathers easily?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer the only possible way is by killing ice golems. if you're looking to make wings, instead you should try to kill red devil's in hell because there are many more of them, and you'll have a much higher chance (statistically) of getting good wings. thanks! yes no not helpful 16 helpful 50

  • question what do i need to kill a moon lord?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer the highest armor you can get with your available resources, terra blade, and probably lots of minions. thanks! yes no not helpful 17 helpful 47

  • question are dragon hornets the only ones that drop stingers?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer no. you can get stingers from spiked jungle slimes too, but it drops less frequently from them. thanks! yes no not helpful 18 helpful 43

  • question how do i get a temple key in terraria?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer defeat plantera. the pink bulb that summons plantera will be under the jungle right after the three mechanical bosses have been destroyed. thanks! yes no not helpful 4 helpful 24

  • question do all wings have slowfall?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer yes, all wings have slowfall. thanks! yes no not helpful 5 helpful 24

  • question how do i get the ore?

    vanclifford cabais
    vanclifford cabais

    vanclifford cabais community answer if you are talking about the crimtane ore, go to one of the crimson's chasms and mine around. or, you could defeat the eye of cthulu. thanks! yes no not helpful 7 helpful 21

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